About Us

Our Mission

We are committed to provide extraordinary support that creates life-changing outcomes for people with complex needs across HW Care UK Limited  and surrounding areas while working in partnership to promote people to live more fulfilling independent lives.

Our Vision

To help the people we support to maintain their independence and prevent their need for care and support from increasing and promote the vulnerable people to live independently through enabling access to community, voluntary and private services for health and social care services.

Our Aim

We aim to support people who have experienced a mental health problem, people within our communities, or people leaving hospital who have an assessed need for requiring our support, develop the skills and confidence to manage their own mental health and wellbeing.

About Us

It is a belief of HW Care UK Limited  that change is always possible. Each individual makes choices although not always with conscious awareness of themselves or of others. Any change in behaviour, thinking or feeling becomes the basis for wider changes to follow. All adults are therefore valued and are of value and are not written off or labelled because of their behaviour or mental ill health.

We value diversity and seek to enlighten those we work with to see this value also. It is essential that the environment we create is a safe environment that promotes change and that part of this is physical safety – so we are not tolerant of dangerous or threatening behaviour. It is confronted and worked on and we expect the full support of referring agencies in this.

We recognize that all adults are individuals, and that different approaches and models will be suitable or appropriate for each person. This may be due to their emotional state, level of understanding, chronological age or even an approach that captures their imagination helping them to engage. We also understand that approaches may need to change over time as each person grows and develops (both physically and emotionally).

The care staff at HW Care UK Limited will work towards positively developing individual qualities, which will give each person an opportunity for personal growth and development.HW Care UK Limited  is a safe and supportive environment, which will bring stabilisation and perhaps permanency into the lives of adults who are placed with us. Thus, allowing them to address the realities in their lives while growing to be independent, respected and positive citizens.

HW Care UK  Limited  ‘Principles of Good Adults Care’ is based upon the key principles of privacy, dignity, self-fulfilment, independence, choice and rights. This is integral to our working practices. HW Care UK Limited  does not use any mechanical or electronic devices to monitor the adults neither within nor directly outside of HW Care UK Limited , unless the courts directs this.

Our Certified Doctors

Gynecology / room 221

Lara Denman

We are a team of medical researchers and practitioners who work hard to provide effective treatments.
Neurosurgery / room 222

Mathew Bolton

We are a team of medical researchers and practitioners who work hard to provide effective treatments.
family medicine / room 223

Camille Kelly

We are a team of medical researchers and practitioners who work hard to provide effective treatments.
Chief surgeon / room 224

Cherilyn Williams

We are a team of medical researchers and practitioners who work hard to provide effective treatments.

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