Our Service
User Profile
- Age Range: 18+ years
- Gender: Male & Female
- A primary diagnosis of Mental health
- Have complex mental disorders as the primary support need, with comorbid difficulties such as but not limited to Attachment Disorder, Atypical Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Personality Disorder, Depression, Schizophrenia
- May have a history of repeated hospital admissions
- Adults who are entitled to section 117 after-care will be under what is known as the Care Programme Approach (CPA)
- Currently residing in a time limited service for people with mental health support needs.
- A history of long-term hospitalisation, a number of admissions to hospital or at risk of becoming institutionalised
- Financial support needs, paying bills, shopping, budgeting, money management and accessing benefits including direct payments and personal budgets
- Financial support needs, paying bills, shopping, budgeting, money management and accessing benefits including direct payments and personal budgets
- Medication support needs, promoting the safe and effective use of medicines
- Forensic history